
Medical Topics from Dr. Patrick O’Connell

The New Shingles Vaccine!

The New Shingles Vaccine! There's a new shingles vaccine coming to market, and it looks to be awesome with just a little bit of awful. Stick around and I'll tell you more. What is the New Shingles Vaccine? So late in October, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, the ACIP, which is part of the CDC, gave its recommendation to the new shingles vaccine which will be sold under the name [...]

November 1st, 2017|Direct Primary Care, Shingles Vaccination, Vaccines|

5. Open Enrollment Season Discount!

Money-Saving Ideas: Open Enrollment Season Discount! - Strategy #5/5 The fifth idea in this money saving series is a fun one for me as a small business operator. As I talked about in a couple of the other videos, it's open enrollment season. In 2017's open enrollment season I offered an open enrollment season discount! Essentially, everybody who came to establish care at Sentinel Primary Care by the end of November [...]

4. Money-Saving with Health Care-Sharing Ministries

4. Money-Saving Ideas: Health Care-Sharing Ministries Health Care-Sharing Ministries The fourth money saving strategy in this series of five ways to save money with your health expenses and to integrate that with Sentinel Primary Care is a group of entities that are collectively referred to as health care-sharing ministries. These are not-for-profit Christian organizations that help to coordinate the members to support each other financially in their health expenses. It's a [...]

3. Money-Saving Ideas: Lab Discounts

Money-Saving Ideas: Lab Discounts - Strategy #3/5 Idea number three for saving money with Sentinel Primary Care has to do with lab discounts. Normally, when you get your blood drawn at your doctor's office or you go to the lab to have the blood drawn, the laboratory processes the blood and they bill the insurance for the laboratory study and for processing the lab. We can do that as well. We [...]

2. Money-Saving Ideas: HSA/FSA Accounts

Money-Saving Ideas: HSA/FSA Accounts - Strategy #2/5 Idea number two is health savings accounts and flexible spending accounts. These are a great way to save your healthcare dollars. The way this works with Sentinel Primary Care is going to vary a little bit depending on your particular plan, and it's going to vary from one plan to another. Essentially, the way that our experience has been is that for some folks, [...]

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