Medical Topics from Dr. Patrick O’Connell
Less Breast Cancer Screening???
Less Breast Cancer Screening??? I'm Dr. Patrick O'Connell. This is Sentinel Primary Care in Brier Creek in Raleigh. Today we're talking about breast cancer screening and mammograms and the new recommendations from the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. These recommendations propose less breast cancer screening. Now, breast cancer is the number one cancer among women and cancer is the number two killer among women. And the recommendations propose less screening? [...]
Ticks! I’m Dr. Patrick O'Connell. This is Sentinel Primary Care, and welcome to the first of my medical talks. So for this first talk I thought, what should I talk about that people would be interested in? I decided to go with a seasonal topic. It's warm weather. Everybody's out in the parks or having picnics or working in the yard. And so when you go out to Mother Nature, Mother [...]