How Much Sunblock?

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Going to the beach this weekend? Going to the pool? Bring your sunblock and be sure to use enough of it. Using enough sunblock is more important for skin protection than the SPF of your sunblock.

So how much sunblock do you need? The American Academy of Dermatology recommends that an adult use one ounce of sunblock. So how much is that? Well, a shot glass is about one ounce. That’s a lot of sunblock! Use it liberally to be sure that you’re protecting your skin adequately, and if you use the spray sunblock, don’t skimp! It’s like if you’re going to spray paint that chair that’s been sitting on the patio: Use enough spray paint or it’s going to look terrible at the end of the day.

Enjoy the sun! For more medical videos, check us out at I’m Dr. Patrick O’Connell for Sentinel Primary Care in Brier Creek in Raleigh.