Charitable Care for Underserved Communities

Our Commitment to Charitable Care:

Long-Term Primary Care for Underserved Communities

At Sentinel Primary Care, we believe in high-quality healthcare. It’s at the heart of what we do every day. If you’re facing financial challenges, especially if you’re below the poverty line, we’re here to help. Our Charitable Care Program offers a special membership that could give you the care you need without financial worries.

What is Primary Care?

Long-term primary care goes beyond just treating symptoms as they appear; it’s about maintaining your overall health over time. Unlike urgent care, which addresses immediate problems, long-term primary care involves regular check-ups, managing chronic conditions, and focusing on prevention. At Sentinel Primary Care, we build lasting relationships with our patients, getting to know your unique health needs and providing personalized care at every visit.

Benefits of Long-Term Primary Care Over One-Off Visits

Choosing long-term primary care has several advantages over relying on one-off urgent care visits:

  • Consistency in Care: You see the same doctor regularly, which helps us understand your health history and provide tailored care.
  • Early Detection: Regular check-ups allow us to catch potential health issues early before they become serious.
  • Chronic Condition Management: Continuous care is especially important for managing chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and more.
  • Building Trust: A long-term relationship with your doctor fosters trust, making it easier to discuss health concerns and follow treatment plans.
  • Comprehensive Health Monitoring: We can keep an eye on your overall health, addressing issues as they arise and preventing them from escalating.

Our Charitable Care Program

At Sentinel Primary Care, we believe that everyone deserves dignity and respect, no matter their financial situation. That’s why we offer our Charitable Care Membership program. This program provides access to a wide range of healthcare services—like routine check-ups and chronic disease management—at reduced cost.

Wondering if you qualify? Charity care is healthcare offered at low cost to those who meet certain income requirements. Our program is especially helpful for recent immigrants who might not yet qualify for Medicaid. We’re here to help you understand the process and see if you qualify.

Supporting Immigrant Communities with Charity Care

We understand that recent immigrants face unique challenges accessing healthcare. Language barriers, unfamiliarity with the healthcare system, and a lack of Medicaid eligibility can make it difficult to get the care you need. At Sentinel Primary Care, we’re dedicated to breaking down these barriers.

We want to empower you with the information you need to take control of your health and access the compassionate care we provide.

Contact Sentinel Primary about Charitable Care Today

At Sentinel Primary Care we’re dedicated to honoring and caring for every person we serve. Our commitment to charitable care and long-term primary care reflects our faith and our belief in the dignity of every human being.